Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Colby
515 West 4th Street, Colby, KS 67701
Phone: (785) 462-6342
Email: colbyfpc@gmail.com
Pastor's Email: pastorsholle@outlook.com

Mission Statement:
As followers of Christ we seek God's vision. Through worship and prayer we are empowered to share Christ's love and grace with one another, our community, and the world.

Collegiate Ministries
We are called to actively engage with college students, staff and faculty in ministry. Several of our members serve Colby Community College (CCC) as faculty and staff and actively support CCC throughout the year.
One Tuesday a month during the school year, we meet the college faculty, staff, and students at our Common Grounds. They receive homemade treats and beverages from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM in the student union.
We help to provide support for the Trojan Food pantry that is found on campus.
Our Spiritual Life and Witness Committee meets monthly to plan for outreach events and mission work, including our collegiate ministries.