Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Colby
515 West 4th Street, Colby, KS 67701
Phone: (785) 462-6342
Email: colbyfpc@gmail.com
Pastor's Email: pastorsholle@outlook.com
Mission Statement:
As followers of Christ we seek God's vision. Through worship and prayer we are empowered to share Christ's love and grace with one another, our community, and the world.
What To Expect During Worship
Here are some of the things you will likely see on a Sunday morning:
Bulletins are available in two formats: one with large print that has hymns, readings, and other information and the other format is just announcements.
We usually follow a traditional Presbyterian worship service. By “traditional,” we mean that we sing hymns and follow a liturgical Presbyterian worship format.
Those attending worship do not require formal attire.
Children of all ages are welcome. Making noise and wiggling is part of the growing up process so we encourage children to stay with the adults in worship. We have worship bags for children. If parents feel they need to step out for a moment, we have a nursery available.
We have a time in the worship called, “Passing of the Peace.” This is a time for people to greet each other in worship with a sign of peace. Feel free to participate at whatever level you are most comfortable, including not participating at all.
Joys and Concerns that have been shared with the pastor in advance will be added to the morning prayers that are offered by the pastor, including the “Lord’s Prayer.” We have the words to the “Lord’s Prayer” on the screen. We use “debts” and “debtors” in the Lord’s Prayer.
On Sundays when we have Communion, know that you are welcome to participate. Christ welcomed sinner and saint at His Table and we do the same. EVERYONE is welcome at Christ's Table.