Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Colby
515 West 4th Street, Colby, KS 67701
Phone: (785) 462-6342
Email: colbyfpc@gmail.com
Pastor's Email: pastorsholle@outlook.com

Mission Statement:
As followers of Christ we seek God's vision. Through worship and prayer we are empowered to share Christ's love and grace with one another, our community, and the world.
Environmental Ministries
First Presbyterian Church takes stewardship of God's creation seriously. We believe that we are called to care for God's creation. Our Session adopted the "Earth Care Pledge," which calls for our church to be good stewards of God's creation in all aspects of our lives. Our congregation practices stewardship by: recycling (including electronic recycling), maintaining a butterfly garden, and limiting our use of paper and Styrofoam products.
If you are interested in learning more about the Environmental Ministries Office of the PCUSA and/or learning about ways you can become a better steward of God's creation, please click the Environmental Ministries link for more information.